Trauma Informed Care Screening Tool
Using the Screening Tool
Trauma informed care is not one-size-fits-all. There is a great deal of variability in the way trauma informed care is demonstrated. However, what we’ve learned about trauma informed care (TIC) implementation is that there are some common features. The Road Map to Trauma Informed Care introduces a developmental phased approach to organizational change and implementation. This tool illustrates the sequential movement from recognition and awareness (Phase 1: Trauma Aware) to implementation and monitoring (Phase 4: Trauma Informed). The Trauma Informed Care (TIC) Screening Tool goes one step further by outlining a developmental approach across the phases (from Phase 1 to Phase 4) but also within the phases (actions for each step). We recognize that there are many actions within some of these steps (Agency Readiness, for example, has seven). We also recognize that there are degrees to which something has been achieved (e.g., a few staff have attended training versus most staff have attended training). The intent of the TIC Screening Tool is to represent this progress.
This tool has been created to assist organizations implementing TIC. You can begin by circling the steps that have either been started or completed in the organization. From there, we encourage you to use it in whatever ways make the most sense for your organization.
The following are additional considerations.
- Agencies or programs may use this tool as a way to highlight progress.
- Agencies or programs may find this tool most useful in understanding why they are encountering resistance. In other words, rather than a prescription for moving forward, they use the tool retrospectively to identify potential obstacles for progress.
- There is no expectation that an agency or program will accomplish every action listed. Furthermore, an agency may be doing other things to create TIC that we have not captured here.
- Some of the actions will be more important for some agencies than for others. Feel free to adapt however is needed.
- There is no correct way to implement TIC. Some agencies may find that they are accomplishing the first few actions of each step across several of the phases, while others may find that they are delving more deeply into one phase at a time.

Feedback and Suggested Citation
As always, we would love to hear your thoughts. If you would like to reference the Trauma Informed Care Screening Tool, we recommend the following citation: Trauma Informed Oregon. (2018). Trauma informed care screening tool. Portland, OR: Trauma Informed Oregon.