We help organizations and systems restore a sense of safety, power, and self-worth to individuals, families, and communities in the following ways:
Learning Resources
Foundational Knowledge | Workforce Wellness
Capacity Building
Implementation and Accountability
Consultation | Technical Assistance
Research and Evaluation | Metric Development
Pollicy and Investment
Healing Practices | Cultural Healing
Community Building
E-Newsletter | Peer Support Resources
Community Engagement | Stakeholder Involvement
Regional Forums and State Conferences
Course: Foundations of Trauma Informed Care
Videos and Journal: Embodiment Practices for TIC
Toolkit: The Rural Educators Toolkit
Micro Lesson | Implementation
Event Date
Art at Your Desk: A Relaxation Series
Event Date
Tools for the Times | Workforce Wellness
Event Date
Learning Resources
Online Training Modules
Learn the basics of trauma informed care with TIO’s four self-directed modules.
Each module includes a content video, an additional Voices from the Community video that highlights how trauma informed care is being implemented in a specific community, additional resources that you can read to further your learning, questions that can be used for personal reflection, and a content quiz followed by a certificate of completion.
New to Trauma Informed Care (TIC)? Start Here
Resources Library
Find the resources you need as you implement trauma informed care.
At Trauma Informed Oregon, we use the term workforce wellness to denote a lever of culture change, within the larger mechanism of trauma informed care implementation, that deserves strategic attention. We focus on factors that compromise or promote wellness of individuals, groups and communities.
Implementation and Accountability
Researchers and practitioners are continuing to learn about trauma informed care so that implementation efforts can be informed, measurement tools can be created, and outcomes can be tested. Trauma Informed Oregon’s implementation and accountability pages serve as a resource for collective learning; where we can share findings of our research and evaluation projects.
Implementation Materials
Road Map to Trauma Informed Care

Trauma Informed Care Screening Tool

Trauma Informed Care Logic Model

Trauma Informed Care Implementation Tool

Community Building
Newsletter and Blog
TIO Talk List
Trauma Informed Oregon has a bi-montly newsletter, TIO Talk, that shares information and updates on our activities, ideas and perspectives from contributors and partners, and new resources and tools.
TIO Blog
TIO's blog offers perspectives from the community, event announcements, tools, and training and education on trauma informed care.
Find a Trainer
Browse our Trainer Database for a list of Oregon-based trainers along with trauma informed workshops and certificates that are available.
If you’re a trainer you can also add yourself to the Trainer Database.
Events and Trainings
TIO posts training opportunities, webinars, state-wide events and conferences on trauma informed care. This list includes events hosted by other organizations as well as events hosted by Trauma Informed Oregon.
Voices from the Community
These videos provide various perspectives on trauma informed care.

Social Media
What Does Trauma Informed Care Mean to You?
This video is a compilation of people from around Oregon answering questions about what trauma informed care means to them.
We hope this will inspire you to further the work of trauma informed care around the state and beyond!