Trauma Informed Care Resources
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Using the search, categories, and filters, please find information and resources about trauma and trauma informed care developed to address the needs of individuals, families, partners, and stakeholders. You can also contact us for help.
A Guide for Youth: Understanding Trauma
This guide is designed to help youth make a connection between stressful events and the potential lasting impacts. Understanding trauma and having a framework to talk about past experiences can help in processing and asking for help. This understanding supports healing. Source: Brianne Masselli and Johanna Bergan, Youth M.O.V.E. National ... A Guide for Youth: Understanding Trauma
A Trauma Informed Workforce: An Introduction to Workforce Wellness
This document developed by TIO provides foundational information about workforce wellness. It provides background and definitions to assist partners that are beginning to address workforce wellness in their programs and organizations. Source: Trauma Informed Oregon English PDF Spanish PDF
A Treatment Improvement Protocol: Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services
A SAMHSA Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) with best practice guidelines for trauma informed care. TIPs are developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Each TIP involves the development of topic-specific best practice guidelines for the prevention ... A Treatment Improvement Protocol: Trauma-Informed Care in Behavioral Health Services
ACE Score Calculator
Learn about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) measure and its use, and calculate your ACE and resilience scores. An ACE score is a tally of different types of abuse, neglect, and other hallmarks of a rough childhood. According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences study, the rougher your childhood, the higher your ... ACE Score Calculator
Addressing Secondary Stress: Strong in the Broken Places
This PowerPoint presentation, with accompanying video, addresses secondary stress and the impact and solutions to vicarious traumatization in the workforce. Source: Wayne Scott, MA, LCSW Download PDF View Video
Agency Components for Trauma Informed Care
This checklist can help assess the physical environment and selected intake and service procedures in an agency setting. Source: Region 3 Behavioral Health Services, Kearney, Nebraska Download PDF
AMH Approved Evidence-Based Practices
This list is an informational tool for providers to select and implement Evidence-Based Practices (EPBs). The list represents EBPs meeting the Addictions and Mental Health Services (AMH) definition and standards for EPBs. Source: Oregon Health Authority View Resources
Applying the Principles of Trauma Informed Care
This document provides examples of trauma informed considerations for work and organizational settings, including physical safety, emotional safety, trust and transparency, peer support, cultural responsivity, collaboration and mutuality, and voice, choice, and empowerment. Source: Trauma Informed Oregon Download PDF
Applying Trauma Informed Care Principles in Home Visiting
This full-day TIO training covers the definition of trauma and trauma informed care (TIC), the neurobiology of trauma, principles of TIC, and workforce stress. Originally created for home visiting and early childhood professionals some content has been tailored for these fields. Source: Trauma Informed Oregon English PDF Spanish PDF
Attunement and Self-Assessment in Supervision
Resource developed by TIO with strategies for “tuning” in as a supervisor as well as questions you can use to assess how trauma informed the supervision is. It is not an exhaustive list but it can be helpful in doing a personal assessment. Source: Trauma Informed Oregon Download PDF
Behaviors and Actions of Trauma Informed Leaders
This TIO TIP sheet includes a summary of data on what trauma informed care looks like in leadership, among staff, and in an organization. Characteristics of a trauma informed leader are mapped out. The qualitative data included in the TIP sheet was collected formally and informally at several TIO community ... Behaviors and Actions of Trauma Informed Leaders
Books for Kids
A list of books that were written for children who may be coping with adversity or trauma in their lives. Source: Trauma Informed Oregon Download PDF
Brief Trauma Questionnaire (Adults)
The BTQ is a 10-item self-report questionnaire designed to assess traumatic exposure according to DSM-IV but specifically including only life threat/serious injury) because of the difficulty of accurately assessing subjective response. Source: National Center for PTSD, US Department of Veterans Affairs View Resource
Child and Family Law Courts Meet Brain Science
This 5-minute video depicts a call to action for the legal community to learn as much as possible about brain science to make sure our law and policy are aligned with the focus on the latest information for building the capabilities of caregivers and strengthening the communities that together form ... Child and Family Law Courts Meet Brain Science
Child Welfare Trauma Training Toolkit 2nd Ed.
This curriculum is designed to teach basic knowledge, skills, and values about working with children who are in the child welfare system and who have experienced traumatic events. Source: National Child Traumatic Stress Network, 2013 View Resource
Clackamas Behavioral Health Care Trauma-Informed Services Policy
An agency-wide trauma informed services policy developed by the Clackamas County Behavioral Health Division (CCBHD). Source: Clackamas County Behavioral Health Division (CCBHD) Download PDF
Clackamas County Behavioral Health Clinics Adult Consumer Services Survey
Consumer feedback survey that includes elements of trauma informed care, developed by Clackamas County Behavioral Health Clinics to help improve services and monitor progress in implementing trauma informed care. Source: Clackamas County Behavioral Health Division (CCBHD) Download PDF
Co-regulation follows attachment and precedes self-regulation in human emotional development. This presentation discusses the role of co-regulation in child-caregiver relationships, and how co-regulation can be strengthened. Source: Jean Barbre, EdD, LMFT Download PDF
Common Acronyms
A set of common acronyms related to trauma and trauma and trauma informed care, along with definitions of key terms. Source: Trauma Informed Oregon Download PDF
Considerations for Responding to Crisis
Crisis response resource developed by TIO for agencies providing housing and shelter services to youth. Feel free to use this document in the development of your own agency trauma informed crisis response plan. Source: Trauma Informed Oregon Download PDF